"We are proud about our TETRA hybrids to play a significant role on the world poultry market thanks to our outstanding experts and their selective work started in the 60’s and consistently conducted until the present day. If you are already one of our clients, we are grateful for trusting us and the TETRA brand. In case you have not worked with a Tetra hybrid so far, we hope that soon we can welcome you among our satisfied customers.

Our story


New research centre (Dr. Forgács Barnabás Genetic Research Unit)


Opening of a new hatchery (Szarka Ferenc Hatchery)


Establishment of a new pedigree farm (Gerhard Lorenz Farm)


New hybrids are introduced in the breeding program: THBC, Tetra L Superb, Tint, Amber – to meet special needs on the market.


The broiler division is started.


Privatisation; Bábolna TETRA Kft. is established.


Bábolna HARCO layer hybrid entered the market.


A huge progress was made regarding the animal health status of the breeding flocks, the leucosis-eradication program went successful. TETRA gained market share and exported its hybrids to nearly 60 countries worldwide.


Beginning of large-scale exports of commercial hybrids and parent stocks.


TETRA was registered as a brand and in the same year the brown and the white TETRA layers entered the market along with the TETRA-B broiler.


Dr. Róbert BURGERT was appointed the head of the State Farm (later known as Agro-Industrial Conglomerate) and the basics of industrial poultry breeding were elaborated.


The Bábolna State Farm (Bábolna SF) was established and so was the industrial-scale agriculture marking off the beginning of poultry breeding.


Animal husbandry at Bábolna begun with the founding of the stud farm.